


class boto.fps.connection.FPSConnection(*args, **kw)
APIVersion = '2010-08-28'

alias of ResponseErrorFactory

cancel(*args, **kw)

FPS Cancel API call Cancels an ongoing transaction and puts it in cancelled state.

Required: TransactionId

cancel_subscription_and_refund(*args, **kw)

FPS CancelSubscriptionAndRefund API call Cancels a subscription.

Required: SubscriptionId Complex Amounts: RefundAmount Uses CallerReference, defaults to uuid.uuid4()

cancel_token(*args, **kw)

FPS CancelToken API call Cancels any token installed by the calling application on

its own account.

Required: TokenId

cbui_url(*args, **kw)
Generate a signed URL for the Co-Branded service API given
arguments as payload.

Required: returnURL+pipelineName Uses callerKey, defaults to your AWS Access Key ID

currencycode = 'USD'
fund_prepaid(*args, **kw)

FPS FundPrepaid API call Funds the prepaid balance on the given prepaid instrument.

Required: PrepaidInstrumentId+FundingAmount.Value+SenderTokenId+FundingAmount.CurrencyCode Complex Amounts: FundingAmount Uses CallerReference, defaults to uuid.uuid4()

get_account_activity(*args, **kw)

FPS GetAccountActivity API call Returns transactions for a given date range.

Required: StartDate

get_account_balance(*args, **kw)

FPS GetAccountBalance API call Returns the account balance for an account in real time.

get_debt_balance(*args, **kw)

FPS GetDebtBalance API call Returns the balance corresponding to the given credit instrument.

Required: CreditInstrumentId

get_outstanding_debt_balance(*args, **kw)

FPS GetOutstandingDebtBalance API call Returns the total outstanding balance for all the credit

instruments for the given creditor account.
get_payment_instruction(*args, **kw)

FPS GetPaymentInstruction API call Gets the payment instruction of a token.

Required: TokenId

get_prepaid_balance(*args, **kw)

FPS GetPrepaidBalance API call Returns the balance available on the given prepaid instrument.

Required: PrepaidInstrumentId

get_recipient_verification_status(*args, **kw)

FPS GetRecipientVerificationStatus API call Returns the recipient status.

Required: RecipientTokenId

get_subscription_details(*args, **kw)

FPS GetSubscriptionDetails API call Returns the details of Subscription for a given subscriptionID.

Required: SubscriptionId

get_token_by_caller(*args, **kw)

FPS GetTokenByCaller API call Returns the details of a particular token installed by this

calling application using the subway co-branded UI.

Required: CallerReference OR TokenId

get_token_usage(*args, **kw)

FPS GetTokenUsage API call Returns the usage of a token.

Required: TokenId

get_tokens(*args, **kw)

FPS GetTokens API call Returns a list of tokens installed on the given account.

get_total_prepaid_liability(*args, **kw)

FPS GetTotalPrepaidLiability API call Returns the total liability held by the given account

corresponding to all the prepaid instruments owned by the account.
get_transaction(*args, **kw)

FPS GetTransaction API call Returns all details of a transaction.

Required: TransactionId

get_transaction_status(*args, **kw)

FPS GetTransactionStatus API call Gets the latest status of a transaction.

Required: TransactionId

get_transactions_for_subscription(*args, **kw)

FPS GetTransactionsForSubscription API call Returns the transactions for a given subscriptionID.

Required: SubscriptionId

install_payment_instruction(*args, **kw)

FPS InstallPaymentInstruction API call Installs a payment instruction for caller.

Required: PaymentInstruction+TokenType Uses CallerReference, defaults to uuid.uuid4()

pay(*args, **kw)

FPS Pay API call Allows calling applications to move money from a sender to

a recipient.

Required: SenderTokenId+TransactionAmount.Value+TransactionAmount.CurrencyCode Complex Amounts: TransactionAmount Uses CallerReference, defaults to uuid.uuid4()

refund(*args, **kw)

FPS Refund API call Refunds a previously completed transaction.

Required: TransactionId+RefundAmount.Value+CallerReference+RefundAmount.CurrencyCode Complex Amounts: RefundAmount

reserve(*args, **kw)

FPS Reserve API call Reserve API is part of the Reserve and Settle API conjunction

that serve the purpose of a pay where the authorization and settlement have a timing difference.

Required: SenderTokenId+TransactionAmount.Value+TransactionAmount.CurrencyCode Complex Amounts: TransactionAmount Uses CallerReference, defaults to uuid.uuid4()

settle(*args, **kw)

FPS Settle API call The Settle API is used in conjunction with the Reserve API and

is used to settle previously reserved transaction.

Required: ReserveTransactionId+TransactionAmount.Value+TransactionAmount.CurrencyCode Complex Amounts: TransactionAmount

settle_debt(*args, **kw)

FPS SettleDebt API call Allows a caller to initiate a transaction that atomically

transfers money from a sender’s payment instrument to the recipient, while decreasing corresponding debt balance.

Required: CreditInstrumentId+SettlementAmount.Value+SenderTokenId+SettlementAmount.CurrencyCode Complex Amounts: SettlementAmount Uses CallerReference, defaults to uuid.uuid4()

verify_signature(*args, **kw)

FPS VerifySignature API call Verify the signature that FPS sent in IPN or callback urls.

Required: UrlEndPoint+HttpParameters

write_off_debt(*args, **kw)

FPS WriteOffDebt API call Allows a creditor to write off the debt balance accumulated

partially or fully at any time.

Required: CreditInstrumentId+AdjustmentAmount.Value+AdjustmentAmount.CurrencyCode Complex Amounts: AdjustmentAmount Uses CallerReference, defaults to uuid.uuid4()