You are viewing the documentation for an older version of boto (boto2).
Boto3, the next version of Boto, is now stable and recommended for general use. It can be used side-by-side with Boto in the same project, so it is easy to start using Boto3 in your existing projects as well as new projects. Going forward, API updates and all new feature work will be focused on Boto3.
For more information, see the documentation for boto3.
Contributing to Boto¶
Setting Up a Development Environment¶
While not strictly required, it is highly recommended to do development in a virtualenv. You can install virtualenv using pip:
$ pip install virtualenv
Once the package is installed, you’ll have a virtualenv
command you can
use to create a virtual environment:
$ virtualenv venv
You can then activate the virtualenv:
$ . venv/bin/activate
You may also want to check out virtualenvwrapper, which is a set of extensions to virtualenv that makes it easy to manage multiple virtual environments.
A requirements.txt is included with boto which contains all the additional packages needed for boto development. You can install these packages by running:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Running the Tests¶
All of the tests for boto are under the tests/
directory. The tests for
boto have been split into two main categories, unit and integration tests:
- unit - These are tests that do not talk to any AWS services. Anyone should be able to run these tests without have any credentials configured. These are the types of tests that could be run in something like a public CI server. These tests tend to be fast.
- integration - These are tests that will talk to AWS services, and will typically require a boto config file with valid credentials. Due to the nature of these tests, they tend to take a while to run. Also keep in mind anyone who runs these tests will incur any usage fees associated with the various AWS services.
To run all the unit tests, cd to the tests/
directory and run:
$ python unit
You should see output like this:
$ python unit
Ran 32 tests in 0.075s
To run the integration tests, run:
$ python integration
Note that running the integration tests may take a while.
Various integration tests have been tagged with service names to allow you to easily run tests by service type. For example, to run the ec2 integration tests you can run:
$ python -t ec2
You can specify the -t
argument multiple times. For example, to
run the s3 and ec2 tests you can run:
$ python -t ec2 -t s3
In the examples above no top level directory was specified. By default, nose will assume the current working directory, so the above command is equivalent to:
$ python -t ec2 -t s3 .
Be sure that you are in the tests/
directory when running the tests,
or explicitly specify the top level directory. For example, if you in the
root directory of the boto repo, you could run the ec2 and s3 tests by
$ python tests/ -t ec2 -t s3 tests/
You can use nose’s collect plugin to see what tests are associated with each service tag:
$ python -t s3 -t ec2 --with-id --collect -v
Testing Details¶
The tests/
script is a lightweight wrapper around nose. In
general, you should be able to run nosetests
directly instead of
. The tests/unit
and tests/integration
in the commands above were referring to directories. The command line
arguments are forwarded to nose when you use tests/
. For example,
you can run:
$ python tests/ -x -vv tests/unit/cloudformation
And the -x -vv tests/unit/cloudformation
are forwarded to nose. See
the nose docs for the supported command line options, or run
nosetests --help
The only thing that tests/
does before invoking nose is to
inject an argument that specifies that any testcase tagged with “notdefault”
should not be run. A testcase may be tagged with “notdefault” if the test
author does not want everyone to run the tests. In general, there shouldn’t be
many of these tests, but some reasons a test may be tagged “notdefault”
- An integration test that requires specific credentials.
- An interactive test (the S3 MFA tests require you to type in the S/N and code).
Tagging is done using nose’s tagging plugin. To summarize, you can tag a
specific testcase by setting an attribute on the object. Nose provides
an attr
decorator for convenience:
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
def test_s3_mfs():
You can then run these tests be specifying:
nosetests -a 'notdefault'
Or you can exclude any tests tagged with ‘notdefault’ by running:
nosetests -a '!notdefault'
Conceptually, tests/
is injecting the “-a !notdefault” arg
into nosetests.
Testing Supported Python Versions¶
Boto supports python 2.6 and 2.7. An easy way to verify functionality across multiple python versions is to use tox. A tox.ini file is included with boto. You can run tox with no args and it will automatically test all supported python versions:
$ tox
GLOB sdist-make: boto/
py26 sdist-reinst: boto/.tox/dist/
py26 runtests: commands[0]
Ran 32 tests in 0.089s
py27 sdist-reinst: boto/.tox/dist/
py27 runtests: commands[0]
Ran 32 tests in 0.087s
____ summary ____
py26: commands succeeded
py27: commands succeeded
congratulations :)
Writing Documentation¶
The boto docs use sphinx to generate documentation. All of the docs are
located in the docs/
directory. To generate the html documentation, cd
into the docs directory and run make html
$ cd docs
$ make html
The generated documentation will be in the docs/build/html
The source for the documentation is located in docs/source
and uses restructured text for the markup language.
Merging A Branch (Core Devs)¶
- All features/bugfixes should go through a review.
- This includes new features added by core devs themselves. The usual branch/pull-request/merge flow that happens for community contributions should also apply to core.
- Ensure there is proper test coverage. If there’s a change in behavior, there
should be a test demonstrating the failure before the change & passing with
the change.
- This helps ensure we don’t regress in the future as well.
- Merging of pull requests is typically done with
git merge --no-ff <remote/branch_name>
.- GitHub’s big green button is probably OK for very small PRs (like doc fixes), but you can’t run tests on GH, so most things should get pulled down locally.