boto v2.35.0 =========== :date: 2015/01/08 This release adds support for Amazon EC2 Classic Link which allows users to link classic instances to Classic Link enabled VPCs, adds support for Amazon CloudSearch Domain, adds sigv4 support for Elastic Load Balancing, and fixes several other issues including issues making anonymous AWS Security Token Service requests. Changes ------- * Add Amazon EC2 Classic Link support (:sha: `5dbd2d7`) * Add query string to body for anon STS POST (:issue:`2812`, :sha:`6513789`) * Fix bug that prevented initializing a dynamo item from existing item (:issue:`2764`, :sha:`743e814`) * * switchover-sigv4: Add integ tests for sigv4 switchover Switch elb/ec2 over to signature version 4 (:sha:`0dadce8`) * Return SetStackPolicyResponse - (:issue:`2822`, :issue:`2346`, :issue:`2639`, :sha:`c4defb4`) * Added ELB Attributes to docs. (:issue:`2821`, :sha:`5dfeba9`) * Fix bug by using correct string joining syntax. (:issue:`2817`, :sha:`8426148`) * Fix SES get_identity_dkim_attributes when input length > 1. (:issue:`2810`, :sha:`cc4d42d`) * DynamoDB table batch_get fails to process all remaining results if single batch result is empty. (:issue:`2809`, :sha:`a193bc0`) * Added suppport for additional fields in EMR objects. (:issue:`2807`, :sha:`2936ac0`) * Pass version_id in copy if key is versioned. (:issue:`2803`, :sha:`66b3604`) * Add support for SQS PurgeQueue operation. (:issue:`2806`, :sha:`90a5d44`) * Update documentation for launchconfig. (:issue:`2802`, :sha:`0dc8412`) * Remove unimplemented config param. (:issue:`2801`, :issue:`2572`, :sha:`f1a5ebd`) * Add support for private hosted zones. (:issue:`2785`, :sha:`2e7829b`) * Fix Key.change_storage_class so that it obeys dst_bucket. (:issue:`2752`, :sha:`55ed184`) * Fix for s3put host specification. (:issue:`2736`, :issue:`2522`, :sha:`1af31f2`) * Improve handling of Glacier HTTP 204 responses. (:issue:`2726`, :sha:`c314298`) * Fix raising exception syntax in Python 3. (:issue:`2735`, :issue:`2563`, :sha:`58f76f6`) * Privatezone: Adding unit/integration test coverage (:issue:`1`, :sha:`d1ff14e`) * Minor documentation/pep8 fixes. (:issue:`2753`, :sha:`6a853be`) * Correct argument type in doc string. (:issue:`2728`, :sha:`1ddf6df`) * Use exclusive start key to get all items from DynamoDB query. (:issue:`2676`, :issue:`2573`, :sha:`419d8a5`) * Updated link to current config documentation. (:issue:`2755`, :sha:`9be3f85`) * Fix the SQS certificate error for region cn-north-1. (:issue:`2766`, :sha:`1d5368a`) * Adds support for getting health checker IP ranges from Route53. (:issue:`2792`, :sha:`ee14911`) * fix: snap.create_volume documentation lists general purpose ssd. Fixes @2774. (:issue:`2774`, :sha:`36fae2b`) * Fixed param type in get_contents_to_filename docstring. (:issue:`2783`, :sha:`478f66a`) * Update DynamoDB local example to include fake access key id. (:issue:`2791`, :sha:`2c1f8d5`) * Added 'end' attribute to ReservedInstance. (:issue:`2793`, :issue:`2757`, :sha:`28814d8`) * Parse ClusterStatus’s StateChangeReason. (:issue:`2696`, :sha:`48c5d17`) * Adds SupportedProducts field to EMR JobFlow objects. (:issue:`2775`, :sha:`6771d04`) * Fix EMR endpoint. (:issue:`2750`, :sha:`8329e02`) * Detect old-style S3 URL for auto-sigv4. (:issue:`2773`, :sha:`f5be409`) * Throw host warning for cloudsearch domain (:issue:`2765`, :sha:`9af6f41`) * Fix CloudSearch2 to work with IAM-based search and upload requests (:issue:`2717`, :sha:`9f4fe8b`) * iam: add support for Account Password Policy APIs (:issue:`2574`, :sha:`6c9bd53`) * Handle sigv4 non-string header values properly (:issue:`2744`, :sha:`e043e4b`) * Url encode query string for pure query (:issue:`2720`, :sha:`bbbf9d2`)